Friday, 5 August 2011

Holy Crap- Inuits know more than scientists

The effects of the Japanese Earthquake on March 11th were catastrophic and a stark reminder of how fragile our planet is, sadly though events like these also trigger a wave of woowaa and tosh that sickens me.

From the homeopathetic morons claiming to be able to cure you of radiation poisoning using nothing more than water to the ignorant conspiracy nutters that claim it was all the work of some secret weapon called HAARP.

HAARP is basically an observatory and a 28-acre field with 180 72 foot tall HF (high frequency) antennas, with a maximum transmission power of around 3600 kilowatts, this is only a tiny fraction of the strength of the natural solar radiation striking the same part of the ionosphere at which HAARP is aimed. The observatory operates all the time but the HF antenna array is activated only sometimes for very specific experiments, which average about once a month.

But this post is about something else far more laughable,
According to the combined scientific knowledge of some dodgy looking Eskimos the sun is setting in the wrong place, although they claim it's still rising in the right place.
The woowaa brigade even have science to back up their claim from Dr. Richard Gross (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory), but like all woowaa the claims they make are not all they are cracked up to be and with a little bit of research, and I do mean little as there is a coffee and a jaffa cake waiting for me, we find out that, the day is shorter by 1.8 millionths of a second, and that the Earth's axis shifted by 17 centimetres (6.5 inches) which is absolutely, unequivocally and without a shadow of doubt not perceptible to humans, even Eskimos

Does this minute shift mean we are all doomed? Is the 2012 apocalypse going to happen? Are Fred & Wilma still married?

No, NO & I don't care as I always fancied Betty.


Poke said...

I also fancied Betty

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